
memcpy vs.memmove

这两个函数都包含在头文件 #include <string.h>1

memcpy 的函数原型

void *memcpy(void *restrict dest, const void *restrict src, size_t n);


The memcpy() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest.  The memory areas must not overlap.  Use memmove(3) if the memory areas do overlap.


The memcpy() function returns a pointer to dest.


Interface                              Attribute      Value   
memcpy()                               Thread safety  MT-Safe 

memmove 的函数原型

void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);


The memmove() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest.  The memory areas may overlap: copying takes place as though the bytes in src are first copied into a temporary array that does not overlap src or dest, and the bytes are then copied from the temporary array to dest.


The memmove() function returns a pointer to dest.


Interface                              Attribute      Value   
memmove()                              Thread safety  MT-Safe 


memmove 可以拷贝有 overlap 的情况。