

ipfs-cluster 默认是 crdt 算法1。 如果要用 raft,则需要在初始化的时候,进行选择。

ipfs-cluster-service init --consensus raft 


Choosing a consensus component
Choose CRDT when:

You expect your cluster to work well with peers easily coming and going
You plan to have follower peers without permissions to modify the pinset
You do not have a fixed peer(s) for bootstrapping or you need to take advantage of mDNS autodiscovery

Choose Raft when:

Your cluster peerset is stable (always the same peers, always running) and not updated frequently
You need to stay on the safest side (Raft consensus is older, way more tested implementation)
You cannot tolerate temporary partitions that result in divergent states
You dont need any of the things CRDT mode provides


