1、作为 interface 的 client
type Client interface {
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
ID(context.Context) (*api.ID, error)
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
Peers(context.Context) ([]*api.ID, error)
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
PeerAdd(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (*api.ID, error)
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster
PeerRm(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) error
// Add imports files to the cluster from the given paths.
Add(ctx context.Context, paths []string, params *api.AddParams, out chan<- *api.AddedOutput) error
// AddMultiFile imports new files from a MultiFileReader.
AddMultiFile(ctx context.Context, multiFileR *files.MultiFileReader, params *api.AddParams, out chan<- *api.AddedOutput) error
2、实现了 Client interface 的 NewLBClient, 同时进行了定制
type loadBalancingClient struct {
strategy LBStrategy
retries int
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Peers(ctx context.Context) ([]*api.ID, error) {
var peers []*api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
peers, err = c.Peers(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return peers, err
// DefaultClient provides methods to interact with the ipfs-cluster API. Use
// NewDefaultClient() to create one.
type defaultClient struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
config *Config
transport *http.Transport
net string
hostname string
client *http.Client
p2p host.Host
var globalClient client.Client
globalClient, err = client.NewLBClient(&client.Failover{}, configs, retries)
func NewLBClient(strategy LBStrategy, cfgs []*Config, retries int) (Client, error) {
fmt.Println("新建一个 load balance client.")
var clients []Client
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
fmt.Println("client 的 config : ", cfg)
defaultClient, err := NewDefaultClient(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clients = append(clients, defaultClient)
return &loadBalancingClient{strategy: strategy, retries: retries}, nil
默认的config /ip4/